Equipas de tradução oral

Our projects

ITA currently has 14 Bible translation projects underway and 3 at the language analysis stage, as follows.

Equipa crioulo aumentada para 6 pessoas em 2017


Project: Revised edition of the Bible
Due: 2028
Available: Revised New Testament, Bible 1st edition 

Equipa Bijago na pré consultoria


Project: Old Testament
Due: 2031
Available: New Testament

Comité de língua Papel


Project: Old Testament
Due: 2031
Available: New Testament

Equipa Manjaco verificação do livro de Êxodo


Project: Old Testament
Due: 2031
Available: New Testament 

Impressão do livro de Jonás em Balanta


Project: Old Testament
Due: 2032
Available: New Testament

Equipa Jola Felupe em consultoria

Jola Felupe

Project: New Testament
Due: 2025
Available: Portions

Versículo em Soninke


Project: New Testament
Due: 2026
Available: Portions

Equipa Mansonka


Project: New Testament
Due: 2028
Available: Portions

Equipa Fula


Project: New Testament
Due: 2030
Available: Portions

Versículo em Biafada


Project: Oral Bible Translation
Available: Luke

Equipa Naga


Project: Oral Bible Translation

Equipa Bayote

Jola Bayote

Project: Oral Bible Translation

Equipa Banhum


Project: Oral Bible Translation

Equipa Cobiana


Project: Oral Bible Translation

Mapa político da Guiné-Bissau

Kasanga, Djakanka, Sign Language

Stage: Language analysis

Oficina de sites em Lendem 2024

Our websites

In 2024, we held our first website-building workshop. Members of 8 translation teams met for 2 weeks to build websites where they could publish Scripture text, audio and video, alongside other spiritual, language and cultural resources.

Your encouragement is valuable to us

Your stories help make websites like this possible.